Prenatal / Postpartum Physical Therapy Care

We help prenatal and postpartum mothers in Central Maine live symptom and pain free lives, allowing them to focus on what matters most.

At The Best You Physical Therapy, you will receive help during your pregnancy, with your delivery, and after birth from the same therapist.

  • Decrease your pain while pregnant

    Properly push your baby out, while protecting yourself

    Heal from any birth trauma and feel whole again.

  • Pain during pregnancy

    Leaking during sneezing or coughing

    Painful sex

    Bulging or heaviness in your vagina


    Leaking poop

    Frequent peeing

    Abdominal separation

  • In home visits


    In clinic visits

Sex Counseling / Coaching

Dr. MacLeod strives to make all individuals feel at ease when discussing tough topics. Learning about your body should be fun, as well as educational.

  • What is "normal"

    Ways to communicate with your partner

    Understanding your anatomy

  • Shame

    Misinformation from the internet


  • Available In person or via telehealth

    Please contact for pricing and availability.

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

Dr. MacLeod has over a decade of experience in treating all humans and all ages for any condition that affects the bowels, bladder and sexual functioning.

  • Urinary Incontinence

    Stress Urinary Incontinence

    Pelvic Organ Prolapse


    Fecal Incontinence

    Persistent Pelvic Pain


    Pre and Post Prostatectomy

    Penile Pain

    Scrotal Pain

  • Persistent pain with activities you love

    Years of leaking that you thought was "normal"

    Painful intercourse

    Inability to empty your bowels

  • In home visits


    In clinic visits